Ready for Grounding?

Last week we talked about grounding, and this week I want to share three of my favorite things to do when I need to get back in my body.

The goal here isn’t to work out, or to get stronger, or to feel calm. The goal is to remember that you are important. That by taking small actions throughout the week you can show to yourself and others that you matter and deserve care. It also reminds your body of what’s happening in a real, chemical way and helps it to get back “in the moment” and out of the news cycle, or the fight from this morning, or the kids scream-crying at drop-off.

I'll share them in order of time that they take...

 #1 Arms in the Doorway

Time required: 30 seconds

Difficulty: Deceptively easy but really helpful.

How to do it: 

Find a doorway.  Reach your arms out so that they are slightly behind you and propped on the doorframe.  Lean forward.  Play around with how high your arms are in the doorway.  Notice what happens in your body as you lean forward with your arms in different positions

What it does: 

Often in fear states we find ourselves curling into the fetal position to protect ourselves.  This is further exaggerated by time we spend sitting or driving.  By stretching out and opening our chest we remind our body we are safe.  We give our nervous system a message that it can relax by undoing the "fetal position" posture.

#2 Plank or Wall Sit

Time required: 20s - 1 minute

Difficulty: Variable

How to do it:

These links walk you through the wall sit position and the plank position.  As you do this (set a timer or just do it for as long as you can) focus on thinking "cheerleading" thoughts.  Tell your body how strong it is.  Notice how hard it's working.  Pay attention to how well your breath keeps your muscles engaged.  Pretend you are the best parent to your inner world screaming support from the sidelines.

What it does:

Doing something physically hard helps you to get back in your body quickly.  It uses up adreneline that might be in your body from stress to help you find more equilibrium. It is also a reminder that you can achieve and grow in only a few seconds at a time.  Undoing toxic workout and diet culture by embracing spurts of action and movement is a way to fight back against harmful messaging.

#3  Lying on the floor

Time required: 2-5 minutes

Difficulty: Harder than you think.

How to do it:

Lie down on the ground. Consider rolling your shoulders open with your palms facing upwards if it is comfortable. 

As you lie down, try to keep your mind on pleasant thoughts. If you move to a to-do list, or worrying thoughts, remind yourself that you will think about that in five minutes but right now is for being and not doing. You might picture a place that you enjoy being in or find comfort in; you might imagine a scene from a book or movie that brings you joy; or you might just focus on the feeling of the air moving in and out of your nostrils.

What it does:

This, again, is a posture that tells your body you are in safety.  This is a vulnerable position so it may not be comfortable for you.  If you need added comfort you can put a blanket over you, a pillow on your stomach to provide some weight, or you palms laced on your chest or stomach.  Taking moments to tell your body you are in safety helps to reorient your nervous system.  

Let me know what you think :)

With love, Dr Sarah G

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Grounding in the face of fear